This Bridging Project is a unique collaboration, between two city academies and four city primary schools. The English collaboration has produced some fantastic work around local myth, magic and woodlands to inspire creative writing exercises for the Y6 students. The maths has chosen projects which work to concentrate on area, shape and number work which are known to be weaker areas for Norfolk students.
The aim is to ensure a smooth progression of shared language and themes from Y6 to Y7, and have fun along the way- the work is designed to be done in the final half term of Y6 as post SATS activity. In addition, it will produce a piece of work that will then be sent on to their new high school. This work will help the classroom teacher know their new student’s level and ability. Both maths and English have an assessment criteria that seamlessly blends K2 and K3.
We wanted to offer an enriched resource with the key texts told by professional storytellers to inspire and engage all levels of learners. The resource that HighTide has created will be used for years to come as a wonderful legacy for the work. The current lockdown means schools can also potentially use this as an online resource for those students who will remain at home, so they don’t miss out.
This work is part of the legacy of the NOA and is available for ANY school to use. Please download any resources you wish. However, they are only to be used by your school for teaching, this can include sending them for home-learning via your school learning platform or email. (The stipulation from the creators of the videos is they are not to be shared or disseminated freely over social media, eg YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.)
To see the Primary resources – Click here
To see the Maths resources – Click here
Teacher Contributors are:
Jade Sadler and Nicky Hart- Lakenham Primary School, Norwich
Elliot Thorne and Baiba Zivtins- Avenue Junior School, Norwich
Gavin Atkinson – West Earlham Junior School, Norwich
Nich Starling – Mile Cross Primary School, Norwich
Hannah Boag and Cat Pye – City Academy, Norwich
Kevin Ward, Emma Roberts, Angela Taylor, Adam Bradshaw and Ian Fisher- Open Academy, Norwich
With thanks to the Festival Bridge and HighTide.
Design by Naked Marketing.
The Bridging Project was featured in the Eastern Daily Press on 16th July 2020. Please click here to read the article.