I looked at what the main two struggles were within the school, lunchtime dysregulation and staying focused within the classroom. During learning time, a small number of children in the majority of classes would become fidgety, more so during times of input. We have created areas within the classrooms for children to use for sensory breaks with the impression that they will be more engaged with their learning once they go back to it. I have created many bespoke visual timetables for individual children which shows when sensory breaks are approaching. I have changed choosing time to sensory breaks so children know it is not a playtime. For the children that struggle with playtime dysregulation, there is now an area on the playground (quiet area) for those children who struggle with having many children around them or the loudness that a playground brings. Nurture lunchtime has also been offered to these children to either eat and stay or eat or just during the play part.