I identified the children by observation and talking to class teachers, TAs and our Thrive Practitioner. I then decided on a number of activities such as yoga, games, building, sensory play that would give them an opportunity to try lots of different things so they could be flexible with what they wanted to do each day depending on how they feel as each day is different for each child. I purchased the items, agreed to pay for the staff member to work an extra 2.5hrs per week and to meet the children together in the same place each day. The staff member we recruited to do this is one of our most consistent faces in school and I knew that she would be a fantastic person to lead this group. The children get snacks and drinks during the group if they want them too. We decided to stick to a small group with the view that one day they may graduate from the group and open up opportunities for other children who may later be identified in a similar way. A small group means they won’t be overwhelmed and can build new friendships easily with each other too.