Northgate’s Tell Your Story project was built upon the concept of young people sharing personal stories as a means to build connections, overcome divisions, create a sense of belonging and increase confidence. The focus was to create an interactive memory box that bought together audio recordings with photographs that reflected the diversity of the students and the activities they undertook. The project involved working with students to script and record their stories, as well as recording additional activities such as a visit to the Suffolk Archives, an interview with the Mayor of Ipswich, a visit by Frank Bright MBE (Holocaust survivor) and interviewing residents at Westerfield Residential Home. Part of the project also involved creating an outdoor tree stump story circle and classroom in partnership with Ipswich Borough Council, Suffolk Wildlife and Parks team as well as an art installation (a mural) in partnership with Art Eat. The project was delivered within Northgate High School, except for the external trips.
Staff from Northgate High School facilitated delivery of the project, supported by project partners including Chronicle Digital Storytelling, the Suffolk Archives, Ipswich Borough Council, Westerfield Care Home, Art Eat and Suffolk County Council.
The project built upon existing activities (Forefront) undertaken by the school to support language and literacy acquisition, personal, social and emotional development. In addition, the school ethos of respect, determination and teamwork was enhanced by extending these through the new partnership with Chronicle and Art Eat as well as existing partnerships such as Suffolk Archive
Students involved in the Tell Your Story Memory Box and installing the story telling circle comprised of 13 year 7 and 8 students including those with diverse and rich cultural and language (EAL) backgrounds as well as learning and behaviour needs (e.g. ADHD). English Additional Language (EAL) first languages spoken in the group included Arabic, Roma, Romanian, Thai, Lithuanian, Portuguese and Italian. In addition, a student with experience of being a refugee.
Community Day Great Get Together on Friday 24th June when we launched the Tell Your Story Memory Box at the Hold workshop, street fair and celebration assembly made up of 270 year 7s, 5 year 8s, 30 year 9s.
We ran Art Eat workshops to launch the designs for the outside learning area which will include a mural. Taking part were 3 artists, 5 year 9 and 45 year 7s.
At the celebration assembly were 24 guests including family of the Forefront Tell Your Story project students and year 9 students presenting at the assembly. Please see the attached programme.
School Staff: 4
Others: 12 including staff from Suffolk Archives, Chronicle, Suffolk County Council, the Mayor of Ipswich and Frank Bright MBE and 4 Suffolk Wildlife team members who worked with the students on the story telling circle.
The memory box was displayed and demonstrated at our new year 7 induction parents’ evening.