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Our Approach

#928 Shoes for Schools – Highfield Nursery

Ruth Coleman, Headteacher, Highfield Nursery School

What did we do?

We wanted every child to have well-fitting shoes for school, many of our children, especially those that were pupil-premium funded) were coming into the setting in ill-fitting shoes. We arranged to fund the difference between the shoes they were wearing and the cost of well-fitting shoes, this was £20 per child.

“It’s made such a difference to be able to buy shoes for my son, this really helps sum-up Highfields supportive ethos.”

Summary of impact

The parents of each of the eighteen children we identified took advantage of the scheme, they used the vouchers ready for primary school.  The children were therefore able to start school with  correctly fitting shoes – high-quality comfortable and able to grow into them.

Steps taken

Having identified the number of children requiring the services, we made contact with the local branch of Clarks and arranged for them to accept voucher to the value of twenty pound. these vouchers added to the amount that parents were, on average, spending on poorly fitting footwear allowed the children to receive a well-fitting pair of shoes ready for them to start school.

What would we do differently

Ideally, we would like to be able to do it for everyone; it would be great if it was a universal offer to start school  – similar to free school meals.


£20 per child from the Opportunity Area.

See how others have implemented this Big Idea

Family Support - Highfield Nursery

Family Support Practitioners - ABC Nursery

Transition to primary school - Snack and story in the meadow - Early Years @ Highfield

For this project we linked up with our adjoining Nursery school and held school transition meetings with our local schools and teachers.