A whole school approach to modelling writing was applied – using discourse markers to sequence ideas, applying tier 2 and 3 vocabulary appropriately; using a variety of sentence openers for effect. Pupils were given structured opportunities to analyse, define, connect and use words in context. Teachers focused on using and displaying Tier 2 (multiple meaning or high frequency) and Tier 3 (subject specific vocabulary) within vocabulary organisers in books. Explicit vocabulary instruction was embedded in all lessons and assessment focused on evidence of this in pupils’ written and spoken outcomes.
Teachers embedded retrieval practise in the form of quizzes and specific opportunities planned for children to demonstrate what they know on a regular basis.
The pupil book study approach involves the use of pupils’ books and structured interviews with pupils, enabling them to accurately articulate their learning. Study Sessions took place once per half term, phase Lead/SLT staff co-planned and taught with teachers to model effective strategies. Regular staff discussions regarding progress and sharing good practise took place during monthly phase meetings and a fortnightly whole staff meeting. Monitoring of implementation through termly book scrutiny and classroom environment learning walks evidence that knowledge notes and scaffolding are used across the curriculum. Pupil interviews evidence that children retain subject/topic specific vocabulary and can connect with new concepts .