I implemented interventions that targeted disadvantaged pupils across all KS2 classes. The structured interventions were high quality, short, sharp bursts which lasted 30 minutes and ran 3 times a week. A highly resourced programme called ‘Learning by Questions’ was used for the interventions. Initially, the interventions were chosen and set by class teachers in each year group and then implemented by a teaching assistant who had been trained in using the ‘Learning by Questions’ programme. Later, identification of learning goals to be focused on during the interventions happened through a joint discussion with the class teacher and teaching assistant. A Google document, detailing the intervention sessions, allowed for clear communication between staff enabling the interventions to be targeted to each child’s individual needs. Identification of pupils for the LbQ intervention took place at the beginning of November 2021. Disadvantaged pupils who were currently achieving BLW/WTS in writing were selected to take part in the programme to support them in achieving EXS. The writing interventions focussed on grammar and punctuation from previous year groups to cover gaps in learning and then moved on to the current year group’s objectives. A varied programme enabled the pupils to revisit the same skill if they were still not secure. Tracking the children’s progress during each session, using the LbQ programme, enabled staff to identify gaps in learning and therefore plan future interventions accordingly.