We researched available accredited and non- accredited schemes for phonics. After careful discussion and reflection we adopted the “Twinkl” phonic scheme. (which at the time was not DfE accredited (it is now).
All KS 1 staff attended online virtual training run by Twinkl and throughout the run inset training run by the English Lead (who is also the Implementation Lead) and the Early phonics team. Daily lessons of phonics were planned and resourced using the online resources and interactive teaching tools. As a school we looked at how this would then translate into reading, writing and handwriting.
We changed our homework to include the activities for at home related to the new learning of the week and each week would print the mini book for home reading relating to the sounds learnt that week. We adapted our flashcards and sound mats to the “Song of Sounds” song. We used a Teaching Assistant with a degree in graphic design to design the flashcards and sound mats and handwriting instructions so that these would all match the new Twinkl phonics.