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Transitions Charter

The Transitions Charter was developed by senior leaders and transition  leads across educational phases and embodies our commitment to consistent collaborative transitions. The aim of the charter is unify and empower education providers around a consistent collaborative framework that delivers successful, supportive transitions for all children and young people through their education and beyond.


Head Teachers / School Leaders, School Teachers, Settings & Early Years Practitioners, Trusts

Aimed at

Early Years Foundation Stage, KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5




Whole School

Why was the project needed?

Education leaders across all phases recognise the impact of transition at any phase point has on the education and wellbeing of children and young people. Collectively, they requested a shared set of principles to enable a consistent, collaborative and supportive process.

What happened and what was the impact?

Education and transition leaders met and collaboratively developed a set of principles which were relevant for all stages. They also had specific working groups at key phases to develop and pilot associated activities and elements such as a common transfer document and the agreement of a common transfer window. Subsequently, setting, schools and colleges across Suffolk have been invited to sign the charter and share the commitment across the county.  The transition working group will continue to review and develop activities that support the charter in future years.

What did and didn't work?

What did work:  Irrelevant of their phase, all education professionals involved in the development agreed on the core principles.

What didn’t work: Communication was not strong enough during the development of the charter to ensure that already agreed principles and activities were adhered to prior to its publication. It is anticipated that the signing of the charter will, however, alleviate these issues in future.

How did you measure success?

We can measure the success of the charter in various ways:

  • Numbers of settings, schools and colleges that have signed that charter.
  • Evaluation and review report from transition working groups focussing on the effectiveness of the implementation.
  • More children, parents and young people reporting that they are better supported through the transition process.
  • Better collaboration between phases.


Ingredients For Success

Willingness and commitment of education professionals across all phases to work together to keep children and young people at the heart of the transition process.

How is the Project Sustainable

The charter is in place and will be regularly reviewed. The more settings, schools and colleges that sign-up, the more sustainable to process will be.  The local authority are supportive of this process and it is hoped they and trusts who operate in the area will continue working together to support and enhance the charter.

Next steps to do something similar yourself

These are a list of Big Idea resources that you can use to implement in your setting:

Read our Transitions Charter here:

Read our Transitions Charter Information Brochure here:

See our Year 6-7 Transitions Brochure here:

Have your say

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