Children’s confidence has grown along with their speech and language as they were talking about the sessions at home and with others, they were also very excited.
Children have more knowledge and understanding of the world as the artist bought in instruments and discussed origins and told cultural stories etc.
Children were highly engaged and excited by Muntu the artist, they listened intently to what he had to say and were fascinated by him , his stories and his instruments.
The project definitely enriched our cultural creative curriculum through arts o lam and the resources that were purchased.
Shared with families on social media / children spoke about their experiences at home with their families.
The project supported children’s mental health through music, movement and dance , they also experienced lots of joy and happiness through the sessions.
New partnerships were created with artists from Dance East and Arts O Lam who we would like to continue working with.
The project made us think about how we could provide more exciting and diverse experiences to the children.
Many children looked forward to the artist coming and were excited about the sessions with some children asking if the artist “ could stay here and not go home”. This has encouraged us to explore different opportunities in the future for more diverse and cultural experiences from around the world.
We have also purchased lots of diverse instruments so that the children can continue to explore through music , sounds and listening. This is also supported their PSE such as sharing , turn taking , listening , thinking and exploring feelings.
The children’s communication has improved and many were confident in asking the asking questions and sharing with their families about the session.