Our ‘Let your Hands do the Talking’ project aimed to collaborate with two organisations and to be inclusive for our children and staff members. The project sought to target and improve emotional literacy and oracy over the 2022 Spring and Summer Term. Rainbow Bright invited Toddle Talk in for weekly sing and sign sessions across all our nursery age bands. During the Spring Term Ann attended on Tuesday mornings and for Summer Term on Wednesdays. Baby sessions were held in our baby room, for the older children we had to deliver the sessions split across 2 groups in our art room. We used circle dot floor mats and Ann delivered all sessions on the floor with the children in a group circle. We had previously worked with other singing companies such as Jo Jingles, but never introduced the signing/Makaton element partnered with song and story time.
We invited Liberty and team from ‘Rock Paper Scissors’ for a 2-part inclusive art session, where all children attending had the opportunity to freely paint and explore for 1 hour per group on a floor-based setup. Each group had multiple colour and paint tool options to explore painting on a large fabric square at low level in our art room. Going from vertical easels and paper to this new perspective sought to encourage confidence, try something new whilst at the same time remaining a collective, group-based activity. We had never really attempted anything like this before.
Toddle Talk sessions:
We tracked 17 dates where Ann came in to deliver 3 x 25-minute classes to each age group. For the Summer Term we made the decision to swap to a Wednesday morning 9.30-11AM to ensure a greater reach for staff and children who had not yet been involved. We tracked the sessions over 2 terms to see how many children were involved. We used our WellComm scoring system during each term to keep up to date with children scoring low resilience who were involved in these sessions. Babies were involved in this project as a means to improve listening, understanding and learning to sign, but not tracked in the same way as our other two groups.
Rock Paper Scissors sessions:
Rock Paper Scissors visited our setting for 2 morning sessions (10th Feb 2022 and 11th Mar 2022) where each age group had one hour to explore and create with the RPS team. Over these visits, we involved 7 babies, 5 toddlers and 12 over 3’s (24 total). This included 9 low resilience children from each of these groups who we thought would benefit from this activity due to speech, language and communication barriers ranging from confidence issues, EAL and selective mutism. We had 6 staff members involved during these 2 sessions.