We used 2 separate artists from our partner Dance East. Takeshi ran a longer project with the setting working on expression through dance and movement and expanded on previous work he had carried out in the setting through the term. Takeshi has previously worked with the setting to teat out some of his work for his early year’s performances. Laura, an early year’s dance artist came and carried out some sessions through the term focusing on bringing stories to life which was a brand-new experience for us. These sessions along with a family session during half term happened in the setting.
All the children in the setting were provided an opportunity to experience a session as they were spread out through the term to maximise impact and all families were invited to the family session as well. Our children range from 2-5 and our family session saw lots of school aged siblings as well as parents attend and join in as well. All of the staff team have been involved throughout the whole project, getting involved and learning new ideas to try in the setting.