I undertook a process of problem identification, using a range of evidence to identify challenges and barriers within my setting. By looking at our Wellcomm data and assessment data from last year found the greatest need within our setting was speech and language skills. From this I considered a range of possible interventions, activities and solutions to my identified problem and selected the most appropriate approach. Then Wrote and redrafted a Securing Achievement action plan, acting on feedback from an Evidence Lead in Education. To inform my action plan I talked to staff to see where they felt we needed improvements what things they felt might help.
Once the action plan was finalised I organised the training and brought the items that we felt would help spending the £2000 budget. I made the story sacks and started using them with the children at group times and encouraged other staff to use them. I carried out Wellcomm assessments on all the children and was going to implement Wellcomm activities for those that needed it. However after carrying out the Wellcomm assessments I felt that listening and attention activities where needed more so carried these. Looking at the Wellcomm data was how I assessed the impact of the project. After our Look Who’s Talking training there was much discussion with staff about how we could better arrange the room and moved the sofa which was in the lobby into the classroom to encourage talking.
Following our Makaton training I found a lot of the staff where still not using Makaton. So I started a Makaton sign of the week to encourage staff to use it and sent emails to staff to encourage them to use it. I tried to promote our Library to the parents and made question cards for the parents to take home with the books to help support them reading with the children. I also made a display for parents about different things they can do at home to encourage speaking and listening. Made a speech and language leaflet for parents of children who struggle with their speech and language skills. Parents just don’t seem interested in using our library I have tried advertising it on tapestry and facebook but had no response. So this half term I have just starting sending books home with children therefore I currently don’t know the impact this will have. To monitor the success of the project I went back to staff and asked their opinions again, and through continued observations of the children and staff interactions.