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A review of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) within schools in Fenland and East Cambridgeshire Opportunity Area as a means of helping to secure the OA’s Priority 2: Strengthen the provision of support for children and young people with mental health concerns and those with special educational needs.
Head Teachers / School Leaders, Pastoral and Support Staff, School Teachers, TrustsAimed at
KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5Outcome
Inclusion and SENDApproach
Whole SchoolAlthough all schools with the Opportunity Area had SEND provision, many were not able to readily assess it’s effectiveness. The SEND review process allowed schools to take stock of their current provision in a focussed way and to plan improvements and new ways of doing things.
We setup a clear process allowed schools to assess their SEND provision and to access examples of best practice from within the OA. This review allowed school to identify areas for development and to access funding for implementation.
We were delighted that 44 schools in our area signed up to take part in the project; 39% from Fenland and 61% from East Cambs.
The review process allowed us to identify common priorities, in terms of the overall SEND experience, among the school that took part:
“This has helped us identify what areas we needed to target as well as what we were already doing well. Having access to funding helped us address these areas quickly for greater impact. The 2nd review has helped show how far we have come and the impact we have made, and identify where we want to go next.”
“Having the opportunity to review the strengths and development of our SEND practice is good for keeping our aims on track. The funding that accompanies it gives the opportunity for immediate action on these development points.”
Two of the many examples of positive feedback received from participants.Read the EEF Guidance Report on Social and Emotional Learning here
Read the EEF Guidance Report on Improving Behaviour here
Read the EEF Guidance Report on SEND in Mainstream Schools here
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