The ELE network is coordinated through Ipswich Associate Research School and Unity Research School. As well as being part of the wider Research School Network nationally.
In Ipswich, most of our team of Evidence Leads in Education developed their skills through IOA funded projects, and have first hand experience of leading, monitoring and evaluating an evidence-led programme of change in their school or setting.
All of our ELEs are plugged into the IOA network, so alongside their skills and knowledge of the EEF guidance reports on what works in education, they have a wealth of experience in the range of projects that have taken place in Ipswich as part of the IOA programme.
ELEs can support your practitioners, middle or senior leaders to define an area of development in your school and direct you to research evidence-based guidance on what works. They can support you in putting that research evidence into practice in your context, and connect you to other local schools that have attempted something similar. ELEs can also help with sound planning for effective implementation, and can help you to monitor and evaluate the impact of any projects you are conducting. ELEs can bring tools to support your work, or simply provide professional dialogue and support when you would appreciate fresh eyes on your problem and potential solution.
Any of our ELEs can support work in an evidence lead capacity, and as a team they have a broad understanding of a range of context, phases and subject areas that you may find of interest in choosing support and meeting your needs.
ELE deployment is through Ipswich Associate Research School and Unity Research School and costing discussed as part of the coordination.
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